We specialize in Puppy Imprinting Services,
Stay & Train Programs
Group Puppy & Dog Classes,
1 to 1 private sessions,
Communication lessons for Reactivity , Coaching you thru Separation Anxiety issues,
Service Dog Training,
In-depth holistic coaching for you and your puppy or dog.
Our holistic approach of training is not just about “obedience and training behaviours”
It is looking at everything that affects you and your dog.
Anything from food, exercise, sleeping, work, energy, water, enrichment, environment,
emotions, to conflict and dependancy can affect the emotional state of your pet..
Everything is considered -- including your lifestyle, since it all affects your dog’s environment too.
We are here to help
Tell us about your dog!
Kelly Dearlove CTB.ccs, IPDTA-CDT
Certified & Licensed Puppy Imprinting Provider
Professional Certified Dog Trainer
Certified Service Dog Trainer
Certified Groomer
Holistic Animal Practioner
75794 Parr line Rd
Varna, Ontario. N0M 2R0
Retail Store Hours:
Sunday - Tuesday by chance or appointment
Wednesday - Friday 8:30 - 5:30
Saturday 8:30 - 1:00
closed all long weekends!
CALL 519-233-3647
Now Booking Grooming appointments
for small and medium sized dogs.
Wednesday - Fridays